Vallée verdoyante

Scientific Policy

A continuum linking education, research and innovation

Update : 06/18/2024

L'Institut Agro Montpellier’s scientific policy sets the framework for a continuum linking education, research, and innovation. It outlines how we can help respond to challenges involving agriculture, food, biodiversity and the environment, particularly in Mediterranean and tropical areas.

Our aim is to equip students with knowledge and practical experience, explore critical questions through far-ranging research projects, and share the outputs of this research to facilitate concrete innovations. We draw our strength from our integration within the largest hub of agricultural research expertise in the world, our involvement in scientific projects with strong national and international visibility, our high level of innovative scientific output, and the recognition that our work has earned in France and abroad.

Four Cross-Cutting Axes

Developed through extensive discussions with Montpellier SupAgro’s education and research departments and research units, our scientific policy is structured around four cross-cutting themes. All are in line with initiatives being carried out by the agricultural research hub based in Montpellier.

Alimentation durable

Sustainable Food Systems

Contribute to the development of sustainable food systems through an understanding of processes involving food and non-food agricultural resources, agro-industrial processing and valorisation, and consumption, and by facilitating the adoption of state-of-the-art procedures and technologies.


Agro-Ecological Transition

Improve agricultural production by rationalising the use of fragile, rare and endangered resources -- including biodiversity -- to ensure the sustainability of agro-ecosystems, landscapes, and territories.

Drone survolant un vignoble

Digital Engineering Solutions

Improve the means to collect, analyse and organise biological and environmental data to better understand, predict and steer the functioning of biological systems.

Innovation et entrepreunariat

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Promote technical and organisational innovation on farms and in food industries, food chain logistics and associated businesses, and support entrepreneurship, in coordination with the three axes mentioned above.

Initiate, Develop and Highlight Scientific Activities

Work on the above four axes enhances the profile of Montpellier SupAgro, both in France and abroad, drawing attention to our training programs, research projects, and partnership networks.

Montpellier SupAgro’s scientific activities are promoted and intensified through partnerships. Some reinforce actions within one area. Examples are the corporate sponsored research chairs, AgroTIC services, and our experimental farms. Others contribute to all four priority axes, such as the Agro Valo Mediterranée business incubator and the DEFIS expertise service.

Consolidate Links between Departments and Institutes...

Our education and research departments and research units are engaged in cutting-edge research, contributing to advances in our fields of specialization, and challenging education programs. The research undertaken by faculty members forms a solid link between Montpellier SupAgro and the 22 research units associated with us, most managed in collaboration with INRAE and CIRAD.

Our three Institutes work closely with the departments to propose education programmes in their areas of expertise. They also provide consultancy services which serve as a bridge between training programmes and real life challenges. Finally, they set up multi-partner projects highlighting the reputation of Montpellier’s poles of expertise. One such example is the Vine & Wine Pole of Expertise.

Consolidate Academic Partnerships...

Links with academic partners in the joint research units are reinforced at a local level through Agropolis International and the Languedoc-Roussillon Group of Universities (SAIEC, Service Accueil International Étudiants/Chercheurs ). Montpellier SupAgro is a founding member of the Agropolis Fondation  and is involved in I-Site MUSE with Montpellier University. At the national level, Montpellier SupAgro is a member Agreenium (l’institut agronomique, vétérinaire et forestier de France).

The professionalization of our training courses is being developed in close cooperation with socio-economic partners, some of whom are particularly active through their work with the Business chairs.


L'Institut Agro Montpellier
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier - France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00 Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 99 61 29 00

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