The Institute for Higher Education in Vine and Wine (IHEV) at Montpellier SupAgro coordinates training, research valorisation and consulting activities in the field of “vine and wine”. It coordinates Montpellier’s "vine and wine" scientific hub, hosted by Montpellier SupAgro and INRAE on Gaillarde campus.
Training programme
Training is IHEV‘s main focus. The institute offers a comprehensive range of training courses, covering vocational, engineering, master’s and PhD degree programmes. The programmes are structured around viticulture, oenology, economics and management; they incorporate innovative teaching methods linked closely with research and the vine and wine sector.
Every year, the IHEV hosts 300 students, 30% of whom are international students, and oversees 7 training courses, including 2 International Master's degree programmes, the National Œnology Diploma (Diplôme National d'Œnologue, DNO), an engineering degree option, and a specialized degree program developed in collaboration with leading partner institutions at the local (University of Montpellier), national (Bordeaux Sciences Agro) and international levels:
Students take part in SITEVI (International exhibition of equipment and expertise for vine-wine, olive, fruit-vegetables professionals), Vine and Wine Scientific Days, and inter-institution meetings in France and abroad; they participate in the contest, Vignerons et Terroirs d'Avenir, created by AdVini, L'Institut Agro Montpellier and L'Institut Agro Fondation, do study trips, engage in student engineering projects...
Research and transfers
IHEV coordinates research-knowledge transfers to professionals and develops special links with companies in the vine and wine sector through partnership agreements.
Edition of "Viticulture and Wine", part of the bilingual dossiers series produced by Agropolis International. Presentation of scientific actors based in the region, members of the Agropolis International scientific community, who conduct training, research and innovation activities on vine and wine.
Recurring events organized by OHEV involving research and professionals
Vine and Wine Scientific Days with INRAE and member institutions of the Montpellier vine and wine scientific hub
Each year, a scientific programme is presented aiming to inform professionals in the sector about research advances and the latest innovations. Over 300 people attend (40% professionals, 30% researchers and 30% students). To date, 9 scientific days have been organized.
through a Research and Innovation stand in partnership with INRAE, IFV, Sudvinbio via a conference program open to professionals
IHEV contributes to public expertise activities nationally (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants - UPOV, French Institute for Vine and Wine - IFV, FranceAgriMer) and internationally (International Organization of Vine and Wine - OIV, Group of International Experts for Cooperation on Vitivinicultural Systems - GiESCO).
Students in the Agricultural Engineering option “Viticulture-oenology” and researcher-teachers are also mobilized at the request of professional organizations and companies (AdVini, Occitan Region, InterRhône, Association Viticole Forez-Roannais ...) to provide expertise and carry out periodic scientific missions of economic interest.
IHEV is organizing an online training course, "Vine & Wine MOOC" in collaboration with Bordeaux Agro Science, AgroSup Dijon and ENSA Toulouse. It will be launched in 2018.
IHEV’s activities rely on the structures and infrastructure of Montpellier SupAgro:
Alongside INRAE, Montpellier SupAgro is a founding member of the incubator dedicated to the development of innovative business projects in the fields of agronomy, food, and the environment, and in particular in the support of young start-ups in the vine and wine field: Hapiwine - La Termatière - KaeXa - Vi-A-terra.
On the Domaine du Chapitre agricultural estate, located in Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone, the Mas Numérique is a demonstration site for innovative digital technologies developed for viticulture and serves as a novel training tool for students (agriculture engineers and agricultural technicians) and professionals in the sector.
Montpellier SupAgro signed some partnership agreements in the field of vine and wine to contribute to the development of the wine industry.
Pôle Vigne et Vin
Campus de La Gaillarde
2 place Pierre Viala
Director of development-Institute for Higher Education in Vine and Wine
Director of development-Institute for Higher Education in Vine and Wine
Email :
Phone : +33 (0)4 99 61 23 26
Phone : +33 (0)4 99 61 23 26
2nd phone : +33 (0)4 99 61 24 42
2nd phone : +33 (0)4 99 61 24 42
Website :
Site de l'UMR MOISA
Related websites
L'Institut Agro Montpellier
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier - France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00 Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 99 61 29 00