Education, research and outreach activities in and for the South.
The institute focuses on the development of sustainable agriculture and agri-food systems, mainly in Mediterranean and tropical countries. Through its higher education programmes and consulting services, the institute seeks to improve food security, increase rural populations’ incomes, facilitate the sustainable management of natural resources, and contribute to the development of the agri-food sector.
IRC’s educational staff members belong to Montpellier SupAgro’s training and research departments. They engage in scientific activities carried out at Agropolis, an internationally renowned agricultural research campus with over 1,000 researchers and 22 joint research units. They work closely with several local and international partners located mainly in countries of the South.
development and food systems in the South. It offers an engineering degree, Sustainable agricultural and food systems for the South (SAADS), and an international master’s degree, Agronomy and agrifood Science (known as Master 3A).
These programmes propose several options and specializations:
IRC also offers post-master’s training courses developed jointly with Montpellier SupAgro and CIRAD:
Student Life
IRC cultivates a nurturing environment on an agro-ecological campus.
Ensuring a continuum between training, research and innovation to fulfil the Institute's missions.
The Development Expertise Training Engineering for the South department, known as DEFIS, develops engineering activities for training, expertise and international cooperation. DEFIS pursues three core missions, working with:
IRC has built numerous partnerships with training and research institutions in the North and South to broaden the scope of its teaching, facilitate the professional integration of its graduates, and improve the quality of its various activities.
IRC hosts close partners on its premises:
The International Agricultural and Rural Training Network (FAR) serves 19 member countries in Africa, and over 5,000 actors in the Global South and North involved in renewing…
L'Institut Agro Montpellier, in partnership with Agropolis International member institutions, created a Chair on World Food Systems in the spring of 2011 that has received…
Pôle Tropiques et Méditerranée
Campus de Lavalette
1101, avenue Agropolis
Director of the Tropics & Mediterranean Center & Executive Secretary of the Agriculture and Rural Training (FAR) International Network
L'Institut Agro Montpellier
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier - France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00 Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 99 61 29 00