Découvertes du diagnostic agronomique dans une serre

International Master - Master of Science

International Master “Agronomy and Agrifood Science” (Master 3A)

Update : 11/13/2024

A systemic approach to agriculture, food and the environment for scientists prepared to respond to the challenges of a radically changing world.

What type of training ?
une formation diplômante, sous statut étudiant, une formation diplômante, par la voie de la formation professionnelle continue

For who ?
student with a French diploma, international student, employee or job seeker

Where ?
L'Institut Agro Montpellier - La Gaillarde Campus


The International Master "Agronomy and Agrifood Science" trains high-level executives, able to innovate and support the transition of agricultural systems, through a challenging programme in life sciences, technical sciences, and human and social sciences.

Intended for international students planning to work worldwide in the fields of agricultural production, resource management, agricultural and rural development, the International Master aims to develop their ability to:

  • analyze and understand the technical, economic and social dimensions of agricultural and food systems;
  • identify and implement technical, scientific and/or organizational innovations to improve the performance, sustainability and agility of these systems;
  • design and support resource management strategies and agrosystems for agroecological transition and rural economic and social development.


  • agronomy, agroecology
  • plant breeding
  • biodiversity knowledge and management
  • agriculture and rural development, farms and farm organizations
  • lifestock systems, pastoralism
  • markets, sectors and agricultural and agrifood companies
  • Mediterranean and tropical countries
  • agricultural and environmental policies
  • plant protection
  • natural resources, environment, territories
  • vine and wine
  • Field surveys conducted by students (Tunisia)

    Field surveys conducted by students (Tunisia)

  • Discoveries of agronomic diagnosis in a lettuce greenhouse (France)

    Discoveries of agronomic diagnosis in a lettuce greenhouse (France)

  • Community market garden (South Africa)

    Community market garden (South Africa)

  • Livestock farmer driving his flock (Morocco)

    Livestock farmer driving his flock (Morocco)

  • Agroforestry (Guinea)

    Agroforestry (Guinea)

  • Visiting agroforestry plots (France)

    Visiting agroforestry plots (France)

  • Agroecology in practice (France)

    Agroecology in practice (France)

  • Community market garden (South Africa)

    Community market garden (South Africa)

  • Rice nurseries (Gujarat, India)

    Rice nurseries (Gujarat, India)

  • Forage harvest (Morocco)

    Forage harvest (Morocco)

  • Seminar for the beginning of the International Master "Agronomy and Agrifood Sciences"

    Seminar for the beginning of the International Master "Agronomy and Agrifood Sciences"

  • Seminar for the beginning of the International Master "Agronomy and Agrifood Sciences"

    Seminar for the beginning of the International Master "Agronomy and Agrifood Sciences"

  • Programme

    Number of ECTS credits : 120 ECTS (60 ETCS per year)

    Language of instruction : In French

    The course is organized over two academic years and consists of four semesters. The course is divided into 9 master's specializations (M2, second year), some of which are in partnership with AgroParisTech, Agrocampus Ouest.

    The programme has been designed to give students the opportunity to follow a learning trajectory adapted to their chosen M2 specialization, their career plans, training and previous experience.

    • First year (M1)
      • in the first semester (S7), the choice of two "majors" allow students to acquire fundamental scientific and technical knowledge in line with the M2 specialization targeted;
      • in the second semester (S8), the choice of an S8 (Semester 8) specialization among the 5 proposed by the establishment allows students to deepen their knowledge or acquire a dual expertise depending on their interests and career plans.
    • Second year (M2), year of specialization
      • in the first semester (S9), this expertise is acquired;
      • the second semester (S10) consists of a 6-month professional internship (compulsory) at the end of which the student writes a master’s thesis.
  • Admissions

    The International Master “Agronomy and Agrifood Science” (Master 3A) is mainly intended for international candidates.

    As most of the instruction is in French, a B2 level is required. Before starting the programme, an intensive French course is offered to non-French speaking students.


  • Careers

    The seven M2 specializations enable students to train for widely diverse professions, from plant breeding to territorial development, as well as crop protection and soil management, and plant, animal and forestry production. The jobs held by students after finishing the programme are detailed in the description of each M2 specialization.

    The results of integration surveys carried out three months after the end of the Master 3A programme show that 79% of graduates are employed or continuing their studies; 21% are looking for work.

    • 44% of students are employed
    • 12% in other professional situations: launching an activity, setting up a farm, international volunteer…
    • 18% have started a PhD thesis
    • 5% are pursuing other studies

    For students who have undertaken the master's programme in the context of a lifelong training programme, 40% continue working in the same structure, with a promotion for 72%; the remaining 60% change their place of employment, with 82% obtaining a better position.


  • AgroParisTech
  • AgroCampus Ouest


L'Institut Agro Montpellier
Campus de La Gaillarde
2 place Pierre Viala



  • Complete programme (M1 + M2): €10,500 for the two years (M1: €5,500 and M2: €5,000) + €103 Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus (CVEC) administrative fee
  • Admission in Semestre 8 (S8) of M1 + M2 (for the vine and wine specialization): €7,800 + €103 Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus (CVEC) administrative fee
  • Direct admission in the 2nd year (M2): €5,700 + €103 Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus (CVEC) administrative fee

Pay CVEC online


L'Institut Agro Montpellier
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier - France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00 Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 99 61 29 00


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