Scholarship granted student
Argentina—Eiffel Scholarship granted PhD student—GAIA doctorate school
Update : 04/15/2019
Eiffel Scholarship has a strong impact on my doctoral training and also on my professional career.
After gratuation in engineering in Argentina (September 2015), I followed up my training based on my strong interest on research for plant physiology. Since April 2016, I‘m working as PhD student for the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and I’m enrolled in the doctoral school in National University de Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina.
With the help of the Eiffel scholarship I have the opportunity to do a 10 months mobility period split on 3 years (2018 – 2019 – 2020) within the UMR LEPSE under the supervision of Thierry Simonneau, my joint Director of thesis. During that stay, I will develop experimentations; gain more skills useful for my thesis s and share experiences from other researchers.
Supporting my application, Montpellier SupAgro allowed me to be granted by Eiffel in 2018. It will have a strong impact on my doctoral training and also on my professional career.
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