Update : 12/02/2022
On Wednesday 16th November, Anne-Lucie Wack, Director of l’Institut Agro, and Chongrak Wachrinrat, President of Kasetsart University (KU) in Thailand, sealed a new alliance to renew and expand the partnership initiated in 2016 with Montpellier SupAgro. The four agreements signed will now apply to the schools in Montpellier, Rennes-Angers and Dijon.
Signed for a period of five years, the Memorandum of Understanding aims to strengthen scientific partnerships, promote the mobility of teachers-researchers, staff and students, and develop exchange and research programmes.
Three other specific agreements were also signed during this Franco-Thai meeting. They concern student exchanges, co-supervision of theses and double degrees at Master level. A first annex related to this last agreement was also co-signed by Carole Sinfort, Director of l’Institut Agro Montpellier and Srijidtra Charoenlarpnopparut, Dean of the Graduate School of the Kasetsart University.
During this meeting in Montpellier, Kasetsart University’s delegation, represented by its president and several deans of the various faculties, as well as directors of research centres and institutes, accompanied by CIRAD Regional Delegate for Southeast Asia François Roger, discussed the main areas to develop this partnership in the coming years and its operational principles with their counterparts from the administrative board of l'Institut Agro and the Montpellier campus administration, the department of international relations and languages and the teacher-researchers involved in the exchange programmes and collaborations with this Thai partner.
The representatives of Kasetsart University have already expressed their strong interest in pursuing and developing existing collaborations, in particular to extend the number of double degrees at master level, co-supervision and co-supervised PhDs. The majority of Kasetsart students have so far followed the MOQUAS agro-economics specialisation of the Master 3A (13 students since 2018) and some come for an academic mobility (5 students since 2018). To date 43 students from Montpellier SupAgro have followed a one-semester academic program at KU since 2018. L'institut Agro would like to extend this collaboration to other specialisations of the Master 3A and to other co-habilitated masters offered by its different schools. Kasetsart University has shown great interest in this new perspective.
The KU also wishes to develop its collaborations with l’Institut Agro in many other areas, including
Several areas of reflection have already been mentioned in order to set up joint training courses, development of research programmes, explore new research and training partnerships, broaden the possibilities of mobility on English-language programmes, and follow up alumni who have benefitted from exchanges and joint training courses in order to analyse their career paths and enhance exchanges. A prospecting mission on vine and wine is planned for next Spring in Thailand, in particular to identify instructors to be trained and to promote the Vinifera Master's degree, from which a Thai student has already graduated.
This partnership with Kasetsart University opens up significant prospects for the three schools of l'Institut Agro and is a logical continuation of an already very fruitful collaboration initiated many years ago by Montpellier SupAgro and AgroSup Dijon. They have been able to forge close links with this partner, who is keen to continue and develop this collaboration with l'Institut Agro in order to train its master's students and doctoral students in a wide range of disciplines (food science, vine and wine, bioeconomics, bio-product development, socioeconomics, etc.) and on emerging fields (access to energy through bio-products, development of solar energy, agroecology, etc.). A large programme for the coming years!
During this visit to Montpellier, the Kasetsart University delegation also met with representatives from the University of Montpellier, IRD and CIRAD, a long-standing partner with which it has conducted research activities for many years
Kasetsart University (KU) is a public research university located in Bangkok, Thailand. It is the leading agricultural university in Thailand and the third oldest university in the country. Founded on 2 February 1943 to promote agricultural science subjects, Kasetsart University has expanded its fields of study to cover life sciences, engineering sciences, social sciences and humanities. Kasetsart University's main campus is located in Bangkhen, north of Bangkok, with several other campuses throughout Thailand. Every year it attracts many students from all over the sub-region.
More information:
Related topics: Double Degrees/ ICOA Masters/ 3A Masters
Link to other websites : Master of Science in Food Security and Climate Change:
L'Institut Agro Montpellier
Campus de La Gaillarde
2 place Pierre Viala
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