
Lifelong learning


Understand the grape and wine composition & microbiology and fermentation

Update : 09/24/2024

Explore the world of grape and wine composition alongside the microbiology and fermentation in winemaking. From nitrogen compounds to phenolic components and yeast metabolism to microbial spoilage risks, you will address the essential elements that shape the sensory and chemical complexities of wine production.

Period ?
  • From : 11/15/2024
  • To : 12/06/2024
For who ?
  • student with a French diploma
  • international student
  • employee or job seeker
  • Anyone in the vine and wine industry and meets the pre-requisites.
Where ?
  • L'Institut Agro Montpellier - La Gaillarde Campus


Grape & Wine Composition

  • Understand the major and minor components present in musts and wines.
  • Evaluate the technical implications of must components.
  • Assess the sensory impacts of musts and wine components.
  • Analyze the nutritional aspects of musts and wine components.

Microbiology & Fermentation

  • Gain knowledge of yeast and bacterial metabolism relevant to winemaking, including alcoholic and malolactic fermentations.
  • Explore population dynamics from vineyard to fermentation processes (AF & MLF), comparing spontaneous fermentation with microbial starter cultures.
  • Investigate the influence of yeast and bacterial nutrients on fermentation progress and the formation of aroma compounds.
  • Learn selection procedures for yeast and bacteria used in winemaking.
  • Examine factors affecting fermentation outcomes.
  • Understand the development of genetically engineered wine yeasts and their properties.
  • Identify microbial spoilage risks in grapes, musts, and wine.
  • Address challenges such as stuck or lagging fermentations, and implement problem-solving techniques.
  • Study the biochemistry of yeast autolysis and its impact on wine aroma.


  • vine and wine
  • Programme

    Language of instruction : In English

    Grape and Wine Composition

    • Nitrogen compounds: Proteins, peptides, enzymes, amino acids.
    • Phenolic compounds I – Anthocyanins : Chemistry, grape content, changes during fermentation and aging.
    • Organic acids: Originating from grapes and musts, formation during yeast fermentation and malolactic fermentation (MAF).
    • Carbohydrate compounds: Sugars, polyalcohols, polysaccharides.
    • Phenolic compounds II: Flavanols, proanthocyanidins, flavonols, phenolic acids, stilbenes.
    • Varietal and volatile aroma compounds, mineral compounds.

    Microbiology and Fermentation

    • Yeast cell biology and taxonomy, carbon metabolism, fermentation by-products, and the fermentation cycle.
    • Yeast physiology, nutritional needs, stress factors, nitrogen and sulfur metabolism, sulfite production and management.
    • Role and effects of fermentation additives on performance.
    • Genetic enhancement of wine yeast and risk assessment.
    • Lactic acid bacteria: Taxonomy, metabolism, nitrogen and oxygen management, spoilage risks.
    • Influence of yeast and bacteria on wine flavor through compound synthesis and hydrolysis.
    • Comparison of spontaneous fermentations with starter cultures, selection criteria for starters, mixed yeast cultures, and simultaneous yeast and bacterial cultures.
    • Control of fermentation processes and biochemical changes during yeast autolysis, including sensory compound formation.

    Keywords: ViniferaOffer, nitrogen compounds, phenolic compounds, yeast metabolism, fermentation processes, sensory impact, microbial spoilage, grape composition, wine chemistry, microbiology, fermentation additives

  • Prerequisites & registration

    Fundamental understanding of Enology covered in the "Immersion" module: "Comprehensive grasp of nitrogen compounds, organic acids, minerals, sugars, carbohydrates, volatile compounds, and polyphenols chemistry and biochemistry".
    English: fluent

Staff team


L'Institut Agro Montpellier
Campus de La Gaillarde
2 place Pierre Viala




L'Institut Agro Montpellier
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier - France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00 Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 99 61 29 00

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