Biologie de la vigne

Lifelong learning

Vine Biology

Understand the vine anatomy and genetics & ampelography

Update : 09/24/2024

Discover the grapevine biology and cultivation with our comprehensive training. Explore grapevine anatomy, genetics, and morphology, the annual cycle and vegetation phases. Learn classical and molecular genetics principles, uncovering the grapevine genome's diversity and its implications for breeding and agronomic enhancement. Dive into ampelography's historical significance and methods, and gain insights into grapevine classification, including varieties and clones crucial for vineyard management and genetic improvement strategies.

Period ?
  • From : 09/27/2024
  • To : 10/11/2024
For who ?
  • student with a French diploma
  • international student
  • employee or job seeker
  • Anyone in the vine and wine industry and meets the pre-requisites.
Where ?
  • L'Institut Agro Montpellier - La Gaillarde Campus


Vine Anatomy and Genetics

  • Gain essential knowledge of higher plant internal and external anatomy at the whole plant, organ, and tissue levels.
  • Understand grapevine development and adaptation mechanisms influencing practices of grapevine management like pruning, hedging, and yield control.
  • Learn the principles of Mendelian, quantitative, and molecular genetics, along with the grapevine genome's unique traits.
  • Explore genetic improvement strategies for a perennial heterozygous crop and how molecular/biotechnological methods accelerate breeding programs.




  • Understand the diversity of grapevine plant material.
  • Learn the taxonomy and systematics of Vitaceae botanical family, the diversity of Vitis genus and V. vinifera species. Address the domestication process and the classification of cultivated varieties and clonal variations.
  • Study grape domestication, evolution, and varietal selection for grape variety, hybrids, and rootstocks.
  •  Apply methods for identifying grape varieties and use ampelographic descriptions to recognize major international cultivars in the field.
  • Gain insights into the agronomic and enological potential of key varieties (grape variety, hybrids, and rootstocks).


  • vine and wine
  • Programme

    Language of instruction : In English

    Vine Anatomy and Genetics

    This training covers grapevine organ morphology and anatomy, including roots, trunks, shoots, leaves, buds, flowers, berries, and seeds. Participants will learn about the grapevine's annual cycle, vegetation phases, and qualitative and quantitative aspects, focusing on organ changes and biomass evaluation. The curriculum also introduces classical genetics foundations, grapevine genome features, genetic diversity in domesticated varieties, and methods for breeding and improving agronomic traits.


    In this training, participants explore ampelography's history and importance, including identification and description methods. They will study the taxonomy of the Vitaceae family, diversity within the Vitis genus, domestication of V. vinifera, and classification of cultivated varieties and clones. Key rootstocks, interspecific hybrids, and grape varieties varieties will be described.

    Keywords: ViniferaOffer, Grapevine anatomy, Grapevine genetics, Grapevine morphology, Vineyard management, Ampelography, Grapevine development, Genetic improvement, Grape varieties, Vitaceae taxonomy, Grapevine breeding

  • Prerequisites & registration

    Knowledge of viticulture and winemaking (oenologists, sommeliers, winegrowers).
    English: fluent

Staff team


L'Institut Agro Montpellier
Campus de La Gaillarde
2 place Pierre Viala




L'Institut Agro Montpellier
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier - France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00 Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 99 61 29 00


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