
Agroecology in depth knowledge

3 March - 28 March 2025 - Teaching Unit #2

Update : 06/20/2024


The general objective of the course is to present the processes underpinning agroecology to mobilize ecological functionality in agro-ecosystems. Students are expected to analyze, evaluate and integrate these processes through a systemic approach conducted at different levels: plot, ecosystem, production system, socio-ecosystem. Teaching is focused on a functional analysis of the agro-ecosystem in order to highlight the key processes of agroecology with their associated concepts and methods and evaluate the ecosystem services provided.

At the end of the module the students will be able to :

  • name and describe the biological, ecological and social processes going on in agroecosystems,
  • identify and analyze agronomic practices complying with agroecological principles, at various levels (from the community to the farm level) and their impact on the components of the agroecosystem.
  • Reference of the course: Agroecology UE2 - Level: 400
  • Admission
    - Europe - 3d year of Bachelor’s degree/ 1st year of Master’s degree
    - USA - Bachelor Junior students/ Bachelor senior students
  • Teaching language: English (min B1 level)
  • Organization and credits: The course is a full time 4-week-long course. Successful completion of this course brings 7 ECTS credits
  • Requirements: The course is open to Junior or Senior Students in agronomy.
  • Prerequisites: Sequence 1 of the Mooc Agroecology and/or course “What is agroecology ?”
  • Grades: The final mark will be a weighted average between an individual exam (40%), continuous assessment (20%) and a group project on field camp results (40%).
  • Course content

    The teaching will address the following topics: Ecological, Biological, Technical and Social Processes in agroecology, biodiversity and diversity of practices in agro-ecosystems, construction of agroecological knowledge and learning. Students will develop an integrated analysis based on case studies and a field camp.

    The course will make extensive use of a digital learning resource developed by the teaching team (MOOC agroecology). During the MOOC session, the students will tutor the participants through forums, act as community managers, facilitate the live events of the MOOC. A dedicated training will enable them to acquire and practice the necessary skills.

    The course will combine lectures-seminars, tutorials, and on-site visits.

     Students are required to: 

    • attend all classes, tutorials, e-learning activities, 
    • participate actively to group work and discussions, 
    • develop self-learning, 
    • work on a project during the field camp, 
    • take a final examination.

    Disciplinary Content

    Nb of hours

    Biology and genetic


    General and soil ecology




    Pest and diseases management


    Livestock systems


    Water and soil management




    Field activities, measurement, data analysis


    Self learning and group work


  • Books and other reading materials

    No books have been ordered for this course. All required readings are available as downloads from the Montpellier SupAgro teaching platform. There is no formal reading packet for this course.

  • Partnership

    Research Units: Cefe, Eco&Sols, System, Selmet, Agap, HortSys & Aida
    Associations: Terre & humanisme, semeurs de jardins Civam...

Keywords: Functional ecology, biological / ecological / technical / social processes, management practices, socio-technical networks


L'Institut Agro Montpellier
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier - France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00 Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 99 61 29 00


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