The offer of courses for international mobility students depends on the number of semesters validated at the time of mobility and the period of mobility.
This is a master’s degree awarded by EMaVE, a European consortium of six major institutions that includes Institut Agro Montpellier (in charge of coordination), Hochschule Geisenheim University (Germany), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), and the Universities of Lisbon (Portugal), Turin (Italy) and Udine (Italy).
This international master's degree responds to a demand for the training of high level international executives able to accompany the development and modernization of the vine and wine industry in many producing countries. It offers multidisciplinary scientific and technical knowledge to adapt to developments in the world wine sector and its markets.
Vinifera courses of the M.Sc 1 level can be taken throughout the year, over a full semester or combined with other courses, the JRL and/or an internship during the
spring semester when calendars allow it.
For the first 3 periods (January & February, March, April): choose one Teaching Unit per period only, this will be equivalent to full time study.
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
L'Institut Agro Montpellier offers international students internship opportunities in research laboratories associated with its teacher-researchers. You have the opportunity to…
The undergraduate Polytech FLOW Summer School program is dedicated to the study of Grand Industrial Challenges in France. This Summer School is organized in partnership with L…
Whole semester
L'Institut Agro Montpellier
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier - France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00 Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 99 61 29 00