AgroTIC - Option ingénieur

Engineering MSc - Semesters 9 & 10 - Master of Science 2

Agricultural sciences engineering Master Degree

Option AgroTIC – Information and communication technologies for agriculture and environment

Update : 06/24/2024

What type of training ?
une formation diplômante, sous statut étudiant

For who ?
étudiant titulaire d'un diplôme français, étudiant international

Where ?
l'Institut Agro Montpellier
  • Montpellier (October to December)
  • Bordeaux (January to March)


New challenges related to the development of precision agriculture and environmental regulations place information technologies at the heart of life sciences, today more than ever. As a result, mastering digital technologies is a challenge for production and service providers and companies. Whatever the sector, professionals capable of understanding business needs and of designing and implementing innovative solutions to meet the demand are required.

The AgroTIC specialization aims to train these professionals, engineers with two competences: agronomy AND digital technologies.


  • precision farming, ICT
  • agronomy, agroecology
  • information technology and biostatistics
  • natural resources, environment, territories
  • Most AgroTIC training modules are organized as projects

    Most AgroTIC training modules are organized as projects

  • Significant emphasis is placed on interactions with professionals

    Significant emphasis is placed on interactions with professionals

  • Sample group project

    Sample group project

  • Programme

    Number of ECTS credits : 60

    Language of instruction : In French

    The training course takes place on two sites

    Montpellier: October to December

    • monitoring agriculture and the environment: sensors
    • remote sensing
    • precision agriculture
    • spectrometry/chemometry
    • robotics
    • geomatics and Geographical Information Systems
    • decision support tools
    • data exchange standards and network
    • data base
    • sensing systems and wireless network sensors
    • successful professional integration:
      - innovation and entrepreneurship
      - marketing

    Bordeaux: January to March

    • design and management of information systems,modelling and architecture of information systems
    • web development
    • mobile development
    • web mapping
    • geostatistics
    • networks
    • project management

    AgroTIC group project

    A group project responding to a demand from a company is conducted during the 6-month training program. Through the project, students gain a better understanding of project management tools and methods.


    • Theory: Assessment of each student’s personal performance using methods from the professional world (based on two individual interviews, in the middle and at the end of the theoretical training).
    • Writting: writing and presenting an end-of-study report.


    Compulsory internship (6 month).

    Examples of internships from prior years:

    • How to improve the quality of botanical observation data within a participatory science project (Tela botanica organisation)
    • Implementation of a diagnostic and optimization tool for the farm machinery (WeFarmup company)
    • Proposal of methods for rasterization of tuna fishery data (IRD)
    • Functional analysis to merge two decision support tools for the insect pest monitoring (Syngenta company)
    • Contribution of Sentinel-2 images for the evaluation of a decision support tool intended for the water management of the vine (ITK company)
    • Contribution of digital technology in experiments for varietal selection: application cases on water stress in maize (Hiphen company)
    • Development of a web application allowing the visualization of natural area components in urban areas ( Natural Solutions company)
    • Implementation of an innovative digital platform project in the field of water recycling ( Ecofilae company)
    • Design a serious game on the theme of farm management (Ekylibre company)
    • Evaluation of within field variability by remote sensing: development of a multispectral UAV image processing chain for agriculture (Reflet du Monde company)
  • Admission

    The 3rd year option is open, after review by the admissions committee, to students who have validated the M1 level (first year of a master's program) and come from:

    • an international partner institution in the context of academic mobility (earning credits)
    • a school of agriculture under the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food (See Ecole des groupes Ingénieurs) or the Ministry of Higher Education for Research and Innovation
    • or a French institution with which Montpellier SupAgro has signed an agreement

    Application forms may be obtained from the educational directorate of your institution.

    Students who have not validated the 2nd year (M1) of the Montpellier SupAgro Agricultural Engineer course are not awarded a diploma at the end of the 3rd year of the training program.


  • Careers

    This option prepares graduates for careers involving the development of information and communication technologies in the context of agriculture, food and the environment:

    • Project manager / Product manager: for service provider companies (remote sensing, development of farm management information systems, etc.)
    • GIS Project Manager / Geomatician  (organisation, public institution, consultancy companies, etc.)
    • Advisor / Consultant (cooperatives, consultancy companies)
    • Technical sales engineer / marketing manager:  for service providers companies (remote sensing, farm management information systems, machinery etc.)
    • R&D Engineer: development of new service product in small companies like start-up or SME, technical institutes, cooperatives
    • Research careers

Director of studies


L'Institut Agro Montpellier
Campus de La Gaillarde
2 place Pierre Viala


€1,831 + €103 Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus (CVEC) administrative fee

Pay CVEC online



L'Institut Agro Montpellier
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier - France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00 Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 99 61 29 00

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