Analyse Sensorielle du Vin

Lifelong learning

Sensory analysis

Understand the sensory analysis to evaluate wine quality

Update : 09/24/2024

Explore the world of Wine Sensory Analysis, where the art of tasting meets scientific precision, exploring how sensory evaluation shapes the perception and quality of wines.

Period ?
  • From : 02/10/2025
  • To : 02/14/2025
For who ?
  • student with a French diploma
  • international student
  • employee or job seeker
  • Anyone in the vine and wine industry and meets the pre-requisites.
Where ?
  • L'Institut Agro Montpellier - La Gaillarde Campus


Wine Sensory Analysis

  • Familiarize with the theoretical foundations and terminology of sensory analysis.
  • Understand the fundamental principles, techniques, and tools utilized in wine sensory evaluation.
  • Explore diverse applications of sensory analysis in professional contexts such as research, winemaking, and hospitality.
  • Apply relevant sensory analysis methods to ensure quality control throughout the production process, from harvesting to final product delivery.
  • Recognize how Descriptive Sensory Analysis enhances product traceability.
  • Gain proficiency in a wide range of applications involving various comparative and descriptive testing techniques.


  • vine and wine
  • Programme

    Language of instruction : In English

     Wine Sensory Analysis: 
    Exploring Sensory Analysis with a focus on wine

    • Overview of general sensory analysis principles and their specific application in wine evaluation.
    • Techniques for data analysis and selection, as well as training of sensory panelists.
    • Formation of consistent panels tailored to various sensory tests.
    • Application of diverse sensory tests, both parametric and non-parametric, with statistical analysis of results.
    • Practical steps involved in descriptive tasting sessions.
    • Semantic aspects of descriptive sensory analysis and its application techniques, including vocabulary usage (both standardized and free-form).
    • Utilization of tasting grids for structured evaluation.
    • Comparison of descriptive sensory analysis with the impact of quality factors such as terroir and grape varieties on wine characteristics.

    Keywords: ViniferaOffer, tasting, sensory perception, wine, analysis techniques, sensory panel, tasting grid, wine quality, terroir, grape varieties, sensory evaluation.

  • Prerequisites & registration

    Knowledge of viticulture and winemaking (oenologists, sommeliers, winegrowers).
    English: fluent

Staff team


L'Institut Agro Montpellier
Campus de La Gaillarde
2 place Pierre Viala




L'Institut Agro Montpellier
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier - France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00 Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 99 61 29 00


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