Transformations dans le vin

Lifelong learning

Wine Processing

Ensure wine quality through post-vinification

Update : 09/24/2024

In the area of winemaking, post-vinification processes play a crucial role in ensuring wine clarity, stability, and quality. From colloidal instabilities to microbiological stabilization and packaging techniques, every step is vital to preserve the essence of fine wines.

Period ?
  • From : 01/06/2025
  • To : 01/17/2025
For who ?
  • student with a French diploma
  • international student
  • employee or job seeker
  • Anyone in the vine and wine industry and meets the pre-requisites.
Where ?
  • L'Institut Agro Montpellier - La Gaillarde Campus



  • Understand the key physico-chemical changes and potential alterations in wines.
  • Learn methods to assess risks and stabilization techniques (unit operations, fining, additives) to prevent issues and ensure product preservation.
  • Gain theoretical and practical knowledge for implementing and controlling unit operations used for wine (must) clarification and microbiological stabilization.
  • Acquire basic knowledge of wine packaging technologies.


  • vine and wine
  • Programme

    Language of instruction : In English


    • Importance and objectives of wine clarification and stabilization.
    • Identifying main colloidal instabilities in wines and assessing risks, along with stabilization methods.
    •  Theoretical and practical aspects of wine fining techniques.
    • Principles and control of various unit operations for wine (must) clarification in oenology (centrifugation/floatation, dead-end filtrations, cross-flow microfiltration).
    •  Understanding tartaric salt crystallization in wines : origins and stabilization techniques (nucleation, crystal growth, impact of wine constituents, tests like TID, Tsat, ISTC 50, cold stabilization, electrodialysis, additives).
    •  Microbiological stabilization methods (membrane filtration, flash pasteurization, pasteurization, hot filling, tunnel pasteurization).
    •  Use of SO2 and other additives.
    •  Glass and PET bottle production, bottle inspection, and bottling processes for glass bottles, PET bottles, Tetra Pak, Bag in Box, and kegs. Additional processes like flash pasteurization, pasteurization, hot filling, membrane filtration, corking, crown corks, screw closures, Vino Lok closures, level adjustment and control, and labeling.

    Keywords: ViniferaOffer, wine clarification, wine stabilization, colloidal instabilities, wine fining, crystallization of tartaric salts, microbiological stabilization, SO2 and additives, bottle production, bottling, labeling

  • Prerequisites & registration

    Knowledge of viticulture and winemaking (oenologists, sommeliers, winegrowers).
    English: fluent

Staff team


L'Institut Agro Montpellier
Campus de La Gaillarde
2 place Pierre Viala

Key features



L'Institut Agro Montpellier
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier - France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00 Tél. : +33 (0)4 99 61 22 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 99 61 29 00

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